Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Thinking about pregnancy again...

In the spring of 2011, we started thinking about having another baby. We looked at our options and thought maybe we could consider adoption. After much research, we didn't think it would work out for us. Then, we decided to look into conceiving again. A couple of dr's had mentioned me getting surgery on my uterus, but we weren't keen on the idea, so we decided to get a test done to look at my uterus to confirm that it was bicornuate. In May, I got the HSG done. Basically they inject fluid in your uterus and take xrays of it. The tech told me I didn't have a septum and that it was bicornuate.

After this, I honestly should have done more research, but I was so excited to try to get pregnant again, and there really isn't much surface information. Your really have to dig for it. Plus, I didn't want to read anything scary on the internet either. We were very positive and hopeful that the next pregnancy would have a totally different outcome.

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