The cycle after my surgery I was so worked up on getting pregnant. I was crafting baby stuff for other people and hoarding some for myself for our future baby, and I was taking vitamins in hopes that it would prepare my body and help me ovulate. When I was supposed to be ovulating, I started having some pain and went in to the dr. They told me I just had a cyst burst and that it did look like I ovulated, but from the blood work it didn't look like I was pregnant, so I should be getting my period. I was super depressed about it. I started testing anyway. When it still didn't come, I kept testing and they were all negative. I decided to just let go. I realized none of this was in my control and I needed to relax and let my plan unfold.
A week later, still nothing. One morning I was so sleepy, but mid-pee the thought to test came rushing to my mind. So I did, and I seriously could not believe my eyes. I saw a second line appearing. None of this made sense. I did not understand how this could be happening, except that I let go, and let God. He decided to bless us. I was overjoyed and crying. I took multiple tests that day and that week to make sure it was real.
It was. I started to worry about what I was eating and what I was doing. I decided I needed to take it easy and just pray and stay positive and relaxed. None of this is in my control. I just need to take care of myself. I made my appointments, and the waiting game began. Some morning sickness also began, but it made me happy. I bet you've never heard a pregnant woman say they were happy about this. But I am. And I will be even more happy for any more of the 'typical' pregnancy symptoms to occur.
I am taking this pregnancy day by day, and thanking God each day that I am pregnant with a precious little one. I just had my first ultrasound and found out I was 6w1d. Got to see a little flicker of a heartbeat and it was so reassuring and refreshing to know that I have a little one safe and sound in there. Wish I could see that every day, but I have pictures and prayers to keep me going until my next appointment! So far my due date is November 20. So thankful and blessed!
A baby is a part of your life from the first day you find out you are pregnant, when you see the 2 pink lines. You should cherish every moment.